Saturday, October 10, 2015

Transfer the Load with Winch Challenge - Day 4

Last class we completed the challenge! My partner and I fixed the sliding string by adding a second axle where it could loop over. We added a metal Lego hook to the end of the string to allow the string to smoothly return down. We also used the rubber Lego wheels as weights and balances. We noticed that each time we ran the program, the top motor would lean extremely far forward. Originally there were three support axles where it connected to, but we were able to find a location to insert a fourth one, greatly improving its stability. In order to receive full credit for the challenge, we needed to lift one mass up to the table, have the robot change directions while holding the mass, deposit it on a wooden block, and return to the ground. Bonus points would be awarded if the robot could lift multiple masses. We were very close to completing another cycle, but unfortunately it lifted the mass just short of the necessary height. Next class we still have another trial. By that time, we will try to enforce the robot even more, and hopefully receive extra credit.

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