Friday, October 9, 2015

Transfer the Load with Winch Challenge - Day 3

Design by the end of class
Last class was the first trial day. We were able to successfully balance our robot's systems by using what we learned from the previous unit. In the beginning of the challenge, each team was given two 100 gram masses to help with balancing mass distribution. We connected two long axles opposite to the end where the 200 gram mass was being lifted, and we hung the two 100 gram ones at the far end of the axles. Doing this greatly steadied our robot. As for programming, we were able to find decent power combinations to accommodate our gear ratio. With these two portions completed, our robot was practically set to complete the required actions; however, when put into motion, the string used to lift the mass kept on sliding out of place. Trying to prevent the string from slipping took up  most of our time. Unfortunately, due to lack  we missed our first trial opportunity. Hopefully next class we will be able to test our design.

Final code

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