Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Transfer the Load with Winch Challenge - Day 5

Today was the final trial of the challenge. My partner and I had completed the initial requirements last class, so this time, we focused on gaining bonus points. Any team that lifted more than one mass would receive those points. Previously, our robot did not complete more than one cycle due to uneven weight distribution; the robot was top heavy. 

Below is a video of our robot completing two cycles of the challenge. It lifted a total of 400g (200g per mass). 

Final Thoughts 

I had more fun in this challenge than the first one; however, it was a lot more difficult. The robot was different than all the one's we created before, especially since it was not car-based. This time, we had to apply our knowledge of gear ratios in order for the robot to properly function, and we had to conduct multiple calculations.

Performance: As previously mentioned, our robot completed all requirements in order to receive full credit. Throughout the building process, we directed our focus to weight distribution and stability. We added counterweights to various places, allowing the mass to be lifted steadily. If we were to do this challenge again, we would more closely focus on the string that lifted the mass; it kept on slipping, limiting our robot to completing only two cycles.

Improvement and Learning: Thanks to this challenge, I am proud to say that I now understand the concept of "torque", for it is something I never understood before. To put it as my partner did, we also learned a lot about patience; taking apart and rebuilding practically defined our Winch Challenge experience. Because this trial was more successful than the last, I hope that my robot-building skills continue to increase as I move onto the next challenge. 

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