Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Deliver the Golf Ball Challenge - Day 3

Today was the final day of construction. We were able to adjust the height of the claw so that it could grab the golf ball.

Final design

Final program

Here is a video of our final test run before our trial.

Final Thoughts:

The robot completed the course in 10.8 seconds. Due to some setbacks, we did not run more than one trial. The first time the robot finished the course, we left it as it is. Overall, its performance was good. The robot ran very smoothly, lifting the golf ball without hesitation and slipping smoothly under the bridge to deposit its load. We did not program the motors to full power because we did not know how much time we would have to test it. If I were to do this challenge differently, I would likely experiment with the power. 

I remember the time when I first used the Lego Mindstorm series to create a robot. It has been two years since then, and I am amazed in how much more sense it makes now. This was a great opportunity for me to confirm and improve my skills in coding, Lego building, and working with a partner. Something I plan on doing next time is to set a schedule for what I work on and when. That way, I'll have more time to test additional improvements to whatever I'm making. I hope there will be more opportunities such as this one. 

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