Friday, September 4, 2015

Deliver the Golf Ball Challenge - Day 2

Claw design #1
Today in class was the Trial 1 of the challenge. During my lunch period prior to class, I went to the Makerspace to work on the robot. I continued to build and program the robot up to where it was one command away from completing the challenge. The only problem was the elevation of the claw. It was less than a centimeter short of the height needed to drop the ball into the container.

When my partner arrived for class, we tried to increase the height of the claw, but doing this caused the ball to roll off whenever exposed to slight movement. Unfortunately, we ended up taking the entire claw portion of the robot off. Starting from scratch with the claw was not an easy task, especially since we felt pressured for time. Next class is the second trial. Hopefully we will finish by then. 

Here is the Google document that my partner and I plan on using to record any additional work. 

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