Friday, September 11, 2015

Guest Speaker - Nanotechnology at Oakton

Last class in chemistry, we had two guests speak to us through Google Hangout. The guest speakers were from Oakton Community College, and they described their jobs involving nanotechnology. Based on definition, nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, or supramolecular scale. According to the speakers, the nanotechnology career field is rapidly growing, for it plays a critical role in biology, chemistry, engineering, medicine, and physics.

Displaying Sample I 4 80x.jpg
Image of our group's paper
On the first day of chemistry, we were asked to pull an infinitesimal piece of paper off. Each group placed their sample on a microscope slide. The slides were then sent to Oakton, where the guest speakers scaled which group's piece was the smallest. When we chatted with them through Google Hangout, one of the things they discussed was how they used their technology to observe the paper. Below is a picture of our group's piece. There is a scale included at the bottom of the image, displaying how large the piece actually is.

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