Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Deliver the Golf Ball Challenge - Day 1

Today we started our first engineering challenge of the year. Prior to this day, we practiced using the Lego Mindstorm Robot, learning how to assemble and program the machine to our desires. The challenge presented to us was called the "Deliver the Golf Ball Challenge", where we must design a machine that can move a golf ball from one place to another in the smallest amount of time.

First the robot needs to stop at the pickup podium and capture the golf ball. Then it must back up from the loading area and pass under a wooden board. Lastly, the robot must move towards the side of the finish, head towards the bin, and deposit the golf ball into the container. All should be done in the shortest time possible without the builder touching the robot or the robot dropping the golf ball.
There are two main systems that must function flawlessly in order to complete the challenge. The first system is the chassis of the robot. There must be a strong base that is both short and compact so it may fit under the lowest point of the wooden board. Aerodynamics do not apply in this situation. The second system is a claw. The claw must be an appropriate height so it may reach over the loading and deposit areas. The claw must also be sturdy so as not to drop the golf ball when the robot is in motion.
*see sketch below* 
As for mass distribution, the robot will have a heavier back side and a lighter front (where the claw is). This will hopefully be more balanced. For the forward and backwards torque, we will start by keeping it at the default 75% power. For turns, we will lower it to prevent the ball from coming off the claw.

Brainstorming sketch of design

We figured that the claw would be the most important part of the design; if it is unable to support the golf ball, we will automatically fail the challenge. Something we are working on is the stability of the claw, in other words, how it will hold up against weight and sudden movements. 

Close up of claw

Here is our robot by the end of Day 1. Next class, we plan on testing our design. Based on the test, changes may be made. 

Robot by the end of Day 1

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