Monday, November 16, 2015

Atlas Stones Challenge - Day 8

Final robot design
Final Design/Thoughts: We were finally able to run a trial with our robot. It successfully completed the course, and we received full credit. The robot finished the course in 2 minutes and 3 seconds; it was not as fast as we would have liked, but at least it ran smoothly. The programming worked well - there were no delays nor did the robot get confused.

Throughout this challenge, we definitely came across setbacks, but they were minor in comparison to those we experienced in past challenges. Building the structure was almost second nature after being the third time around, and coding was not too difficult. However, something that we definitely learned was to use our resources wisely and efficiently. Many Lego pieces were not available due to misplacement and "hoarding"... We had to make do with the few pieces we had, which in the long run, was a blessing in disguise; our robot was simple and effective. Next time, both of us hope to do improve the speed of our robots.

Video link:

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